Hailey Fagaragan


I am a student at the University of Hawaii studying for a B.A. in Information & Computer Sciences in the Information and Computer Sciences Department.

Interests: Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Sustainability, UX/UI Design, Computer Graphics


Brainbows 2024-05-05

A way for UH Manoa ICS students to not only seek help from each other, but also to connect and get motivated to study.

Software Engineering JavaScript Meteor MongoDB

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Managing a Virtual Senior Year 2022-05-05

Using social media to connect, interact, and host activities as a way to create a memorable senior year even during a pandemic.

Social Media

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Divine Feminine Series 2022-05-05

The Divine Feminine Series is a photography series of black & white photos in 35mm format. It intends to showcase women in a natural setting and to appreciate the beauty of femininity.

Film Photography Fine Arts Analog

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AVID Tutoring 2022 - Present

My experience becoming a tutor and mentor to middle and high school students who struggle academically but still have a desire to attend college.

Education College Tutoring

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Cracking the Code with AI

07 May 2024

I. Introduction Artificial intelligence has become, for the most part, a valuable tool in my higher level education. It has entered II. Personal Experience with AI: I have used AI in class this semester in the following areas: Experience WODs...

Artificial Intelligence

Reflecting on Software Engineering

07 May 2024

Introduction As we near the end of the semester, and ICS 314, at UH Manoa, I can say that while it wasnʻt the easiest journey, I still have gained valuable skills that will come in handy in the future, even...

Software Engineering

Getting Used to Coding Standards

08 Feb 2024

As I continue my journey through the computer science program, I am always sure to appreciate any new learning experiences and challenges that come my way. Setbacks and obstacles can only make me a better programmer and student in general....

ESLint Coding Standards

My Journey Toward Software Engineering

26 Jan 2024

My academic journey didn’t start with computer science. During my adolescence, I never would have thought that I would ever go into STEM. It felt so out of reach, something that I could never accomplish. Partly because I didn’t have...

Software Engineering Computer Science

There's no such thing as a dumb question. Or is there?

25 Jan 2024

It’s okay to ask for help. This is something that I have always been encouraged to do throughout my academic career. I had no prior coding experience before deciding to join the computer science program in college. So I had...

Stack Overflow Computer Science

JavaScript: My First Impressions

17 Jan 2024

The Fundamentals of JavaScript As a current third year college student with zero experience with coding prior to joining the ICS program during my sophomore year, learning the fundamentals of JavaScript wasn’t exactly a difficult task. In this program, all...

Software Engineering Computer Science